- DELmE's Batch Virus Generator v 2.0
- Power Of Batch [Text File]
- Bl0b B!nder 0.2.0 + USG
- BlackHole Binder
- F.B.I. Binder
- Predator 1.6
- PureBiND3R by d3will
- Schniedelwutz Binder 1.0
- Simple Binder by Stonedinfect
- sp1r1tus Binder 1.0
- Tool-Store Binder 1.0
- Tool-Store Toasty Binder 1.0
- Yet Another Binder 2.0
- Others
- Bifrost Crypter by ArexX 2
- Cryptable Seduction 1.0 by DizzY
- Crypter by Permabatt
- Crypter bY YoDa
- Cryptic 1.5
- Daemon Crypt 2 Public
- Deception 4 by [RaGe] [Favorite :D]
- Destructor Crypter
- EXECrypt 1 M0d by CARDX
- Fuzz Buzz 1.2 by BulletProof
- OSC-Crypter by haZl0oh M0d
- Poison Ivy Crypt M0d by CARDX
- SaW V1 Mod by LEGIONPR
- Skorpien007 Crypter 3.1
- Stonedinfect Crypter 1.0
- Trojka Crypter 1.1 by tr1p0d
- Ardamax 2.8
- Ardamax 2.41
Nukers And Fl00ders
- Ass4ult
- B4ttl3 P0ng
- Click v2.2
- Fortune
- ICMP Fl00d
- Panther Mode 1 & 2
- Rocket v1.0
- RPC Nuke
Port & IP Scanners
- Advanced IP Scanner
- Advanced Port Scanner
- Bitching Threads
- BluePortScan
- LanSpy
- NeoTracePro
- NetScanTools
- ProPort
- Putty v0.6
- SuperScan
- Trojan Hunter 15
- ZenMap - Nmap v5.21 [Win]
- Apocalypse 1.4.4
- Aryan v0.5
- Bandook RAT 1.35
- Bifrost 1.2.1d
- Cerberus 1.03.4
- All Cybergates from v1.01.8 to v1.04.8
- DarkComet 2 RC3
- Lost Door 4.0 Pro
- MeTuS-Delphi-2.8
- Nuclear RAT 2.1.0
- Optix v1.33
- Poison Ivy 2.3.2
- ProRat 1.9 SE
- SharK 3
- Spy-Net v2.6
- SubSeven 2.3
- Turkojan 4 Gold
- Cain & Abel Self Installer [WinXP]
- WireShark Self-Installer [Win32]
- 1337 SteamACC Stealer Private
- Allround Stealer
- Armageddon Stealer 1.0 by Krusty
- bl0b Recovery 1.0
- Blade Stealer 1.0 PUBLIC
- Codesoft PW Stealer 0.35
- Codesoft PW Stealer 0.50
- Dark Screen Stealer 2
- Dimension Stealer 2 by Gumball
- FileZilla Stealer 1.0 PUBLIC
- FileZilla Stealer by Stonedinfect
- Firefox Password Stealer - Steamcafe
- Fly Stealer 0.1
- Fudsonly Stealer 0.1
- Hackbase Steam Phisher 1.2 BETA
- spam
- spam Stealer
- HardCore Soft
- ICQ Steal0r
- IStealer 4.0
- IStealer 6.0 Legends
- LabStealer by Xash
- Multi Password Stealer 1.6
- Papst Steale.NET
- Pass Stealer 3.0
- Pesca Stealer 0.2
- pixel Stealer 1.3.0 SC
- pixel Stealer 1.4.0
- ProStealer
- Public Firefox 3 Stealer
- Pure-Steam 1.0 CS
- Pw Stealer by Killer110
- PWStealer 2.0
- Remote Penetration 2.2
- SC LiteStealer 1
- SimpleStealer 2.1
- SPS Stealer
- SStealer by till7
- Steam Stealer 1.0 by ghstoy
- Steam Stealer by till7
- Stupid Stealer 6 mit PHP Logger
- System Stealer 2
- The Simpsons Stealer 0.2
- Tool-Store FileZilla Stealer 1.0
- Ultimate Stealer 1.0
- Universal1337 - The Account Stealer
- Universal1337 2
- Universal1337 3
Vulnerability Scanner and Exploiter
- Atk ToolKit 4.1 [Src Code Included]
- Metasploit Framework V3.4.0 [Win]
- Nessus [Win32]
Website Exploit And SLQ Injections
- Admin Finder
- CGI-Bug Scanner
- Exploit Scanner
- ServerAttack
- SQL Helper
- Dork List [Text File]
- Dork [Text File]
- Master Google Hack List [Text File]
- Bruteforcers
- Extra! [From VIP Vince Tool pack]
- ProxyBrowser
- Various Tools
- Much more
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- DELmE's Batch Virus Generator v 2.0
- Power Of Batch [Text File]
- Bl0b B!nder 0.2.0 + USG
- BlackHole Binder
- F.B.I. Binder
- Predator 1.6
- PureBiND3R by d3will
- Schniedelwutz Binder 1.0
- Simple Binder by Stonedinfect
- sp1r1tus Binder 1.0
- Tool-Store Binder 1.0
- Tool-Store Toasty Binder 1.0
- Yet Another Binder 2.0
- Others
- Bifrost Crypter by ArexX 2
- Cryptable Seduction 1.0 by DizzY
- Crypter by Permabatt
- Crypter bY YoDa
- Cryptic 1.5
- Daemon Crypt 2 Public
- Deception 4 by [RaGe] [Favorite :D]
- Destructor Crypter
- EXECrypt 1 M0d by CARDX
- Fuzz Buzz 1.2 by BulletProof
- OSC-Crypter by haZl0oh M0d
- Poison Ivy Crypt M0d by CARDX
- SaW V1 Mod by LEGIONPR
- Skorpien007 Crypter 3.1
- Stonedinfect Crypter 1.0
- Trojka Crypter 1.1 by tr1p0d
- Ardamax 2.8
- Ardamax 2.41
Nukers And Fl00ders
- Ass4ult
- B4ttl3 P0ng
- Click v2.2
- Fortune
- ICMP Fl00d
- Panther Mode 1 & 2
- Rocket v1.0
- RPC Nuke
Port & IP Scanners
- Advanced IP Scanner
- Advanced Port Scanner
- Bitching Threads
- BluePortScan
- LanSpy
- NeoTracePro
- NetScanTools
- ProPort
- Putty v0.6
- SuperScan
- Trojan Hunter 15
- ZenMap - Nmap v5.21 [Win]
- Apocalypse 1.4.4
- Aryan v0.5
- Bandook RAT 1.35
- Bifrost 1.2.1d
- Cerberus 1.03.4
- All Cybergates from v1.01.8 to v1.04.8
- DarkComet 2 RC3
- Lost Door 4.0 Pro
- MeTuS-Delphi-2.8
- Nuclear RAT 2.1.0
- Optix v1.33
- Poison Ivy 2.3.2
- ProRat 1.9 SE
- SharK 3
- Spy-Net v2.6
- SubSeven 2.3
- Turkojan 4 Gold
- Cain & Abel Self Installer [WinXP]
- WireShark Self-Installer [Win32]
- 1337 SteamACC Stealer Private
- Allround Stealer
- Armageddon Stealer 1.0 by Krusty
- bl0b Recovery 1.0
- Blade Stealer 1.0 PUBLIC
- Codesoft PW Stealer 0.35
- Codesoft PW Stealer 0.50
- Dark Screen Stealer 2
- Dimension Stealer 2 by Gumball
- FileZilla Stealer 1.0 PUBLIC
- FileZilla Stealer by Stonedinfect
- Firefox Password Stealer - Steamcafe
- Fly Stealer 0.1
- Fudsonly Stealer 0.1
- Hackbase Steam Phisher 1.2 BETA
- spam
- spam Stealer
- HardCore Soft
- ICQ Steal0r
- IStealer 4.0
- IStealer 6.0 Legends
- LabStealer by Xash
- Multi Password Stealer 1.6
- Papst Steale.NET
- Pass Stealer 3.0
- Pesca Stealer 0.2
- pixel Stealer 1.3.0 SC
- pixel Stealer 1.4.0
- ProStealer
- Public Firefox 3 Stealer
- Pure-Steam 1.0 CS
- Pw Stealer by Killer110
- PWStealer 2.0
- Remote Penetration 2.2
- SC LiteStealer 1
- SimpleStealer 2.1
- SPS Stealer
- SStealer by till7
- Steam Stealer 1.0 by ghstoy
- Steam Stealer by till7
- Stupid Stealer 6 mit PHP Logger
- System Stealer 2
- The Simpsons Stealer 0.2
- Tool-Store FileZilla Stealer 1.0
- Ultimate Stealer 1.0
- Universal1337 - The Account Stealer
- Universal1337 2
- Universal1337 3
Vulnerability Scanner and Exploiter
- Atk ToolKit 4.1 [Src Code Included]
- Metasploit Framework V3.4.0 [Win]
- Nessus [Win32]
Website Exploit And SLQ Injections
- Admin Finder
- CGI-Bug Scanner
- Exploit Scanner
- ServerAttack
- SQL Helper
- Dork List [Text File]
- Dork [Text File]
- Master Google Hack List [Text File]
- Bruteforcers
- Extra! [From VIP Vince Tool pack]
- ProxyBrowser
- Various Tools
- Much more
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The Hack Tools Compilation!